Apocalypse Growl
Mobius, Harry, and I visited Caesaria (center of the Roman occupation government of Judea) and Megiddo (mythical site of the Apocalypse) yesterday. Full photo set on Flickr but I offer brief commentary on a few of the less picturesque ones here.
This is Harry, once a struggling stand-up comic in New York, he now lives in Modi'in with his wife and enjoys reading about the two hottest Israeli supermodels whose names I can't remember nor could probably pronounce.
By the beach in Caesaria, garbage bins are cleverly disguised as miniature smoking Jawa sandcrawlers. Not nearly as impressive as the mothership in Dulles, VA.
When the End of Days is upon us, you'll find my fat ass eating ice cream at the Official Cafe of the Armageddon.
Forget all your heavy metal notions of an apocalyptic war with night goblins in bloody chainmail, I'm pretty sure it's gonna come down to thumb-wrestling. Perhaps an air guitar contest too. All praise Yngwie.
Overlooking the "battlefield" we discussed our "Armageddon Dream Fucks." I won't say who named who but the honorees were: Angelina Jolie ("I bet she's really dirty"), Natalie Portman (initial response was Paris Hilton but then he felt obliged to politically correct his choice), and Sarah Silverman ("but any nasty pornstar would do too").
This is Harry, once a struggling stand-up comic in New York, he now lives in Modi'in with his wife and enjoys reading about the two hottest Israeli supermodels whose names I can't remember nor could probably pronounce.
By the beach in Caesaria, garbage bins are cleverly disguised as miniature smoking Jawa sandcrawlers. Not nearly as impressive as the mothership in Dulles, VA.
When the End of Days is upon us, you'll find my fat ass eating ice cream at the Official Cafe of the Armageddon.
Forget all your heavy metal notions of an apocalyptic war with night goblins in bloody chainmail, I'm pretty sure it's gonna come down to thumb-wrestling. Perhaps an air guitar contest too. All praise Yngwie.
Overlooking the "battlefield" we discussed our "Armageddon Dream Fucks." I won't say who named who but the honorees were: Angelina Jolie ("I bet she's really dirty"), Natalie Portman (initial response was Paris Hilton but then he felt obliged to politically correct his choice), and Sarah Silverman ("but any nasty pornstar would do too").