Wednesday, December 14, 2025

You Still Have No Data's Office Holiday Party

JC's big night got killed by the Elders at the Y?? Or did the Romans cross it off the schedule without nailing a confirmation? It's all very confusing but I better get a refund. I bought two tickets in frickin' August when the event was announced and I was all set to have a Bible Codes Crossword Puzzle Contest to give them away this week.

[If you're looking for something else to do on Thursday night, I suggest going to No Data's Office Holiday Party where the dress code is "commuter sneakers and bland skirts for females; pressed slacks and 60/40 dress shirts for the males. Ties optional."]

Perhaps Jesse Oxfeld, the real Jew of the two (but not nearly as pretty in a t-shirt), sabotaged the whole effort. It's interesting to note that Forward editor-in-chief J.J. Goldberg was scheduled to conduct the one-on-one with the half-queen well in advance of naming the Gawker duo to the Forward's 50 Most Influential Jews list. Make what you will of that but I point it out only to scoff at the falsely credited lines which Oxfeld stole from me:

"but read deeper and you'll quickly figure out that Jews, media and sex - which the Web site's editors call 'the Holy Trinity of our existence' - is a more accurate list of its preoccupations."

I swear dude, don't get anywhere near me in the world to come. You're getting the silent treatment.
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