Friday, February 24, 2006

Old City - "Gates of Steel"

Better quality video available here in QuickTime format. (9.5MB)

For some reason I was in a big Devo phase while in Israel. "Gates of Steel" became a natural soundtrack while walking around Jerusalem. I planned to put together this video, a random walking tour of the Old City, two months ago but...yeah, whatever, I'm lazy. I finally slapped together the clips I had which are sure to give you a headache or muscular twitches. It's not easy keeping a steady hand with a point-and-shoot digi-cam and alcohol withdrawal.

Once again, thanks to Aish for sponsoring the trip; I recommend the Essentials program to anyone who grew up as a completely secular (or ignorant) Jew and is looking for a great crash course in Judaism. Also, eternal appreciation to Jewschool (Dan), Jewlicious (CK, Laya, Michael), and Harry for showing me everything outside of the Old City. Hopefully I'll return soon.
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nice song
have a happy new year
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